About Us
Bradley Bailey
Personal Statement:
Bradley is an artist, designer, a maker and doer of things. A community builder and loves all things creative.He is married to Karen and has three children,
eldest son Cole and twin girls use art in all it’s forms.
Art is a bringer of change.
A way to connect people, to engage more, listen and motivate people into action.
To connect to people and to inspire meaningful change; new perspective.
We have the opportunity to work hand in hand, with those making a difference in communities, to take it to the next level, to have and make greater impact.
“If you build it, they will come.’’ Field of Dreams
So the question often I’m asked – ‘what do you want to bring to the world?’
To serve.
By using what God has given me. Filling you with my stories, my projects, creativity in all its forms, wrapping you in a tapestry of flowing colours, to show you that I have a heart – a kind one.
I looked at a chair, a bench, something that came from the tree… that is full of life.
God laid on my heart ‘A Tree Marked X’.
These trees were marked to be felled, cut off, to stumps, seemingly of no benefit or use…discarded, not seen nor heard.
We are here to make an impact – to address the needs which is so prevalent in our society.
Purpose Statement
We create safe spaces, where you can sit, relax and breathe and have a conversation. That we as a society can be that pillar, that backrest, the armrests, that safety net, coming alongside students, bullied kids, those feeling depressed, marginalized, often forgotten folk, the homeless, the hungry, spreading inclusion, love and kindness – creating a new narrative, cultivating a hope that things can change and will change if we engage and work together and decide to be the change we want to see, really ‘see each other – as human beings, saying ‘you matter’, that you have a destiny and purpose, cultivating a hope that things can change and will change, if we engage and work together and decide to be the change we want to see, to really ‘see each other – as human beings, saying ‘you matter’, that you have a destiny and purpose.
There can be no greater time to give of ourselves, in loving others.
Yes we can! Spread Hope. Change the prevailing story of homelessness, trauma, abuse, mental illness, etc. Showing kindness – considering others, saying
‘I see you- I hear you’,
We are here to make an impact – to address the needs which is so prevalent in our society.
Kindness is in all of us.
Our Partners
Tickton Timbers
Hope House
become a partner
Become a PARTNER
The Kind Heart Bench Project
24 Denver Road, Lansdowne, Cape Town
Contact Hours
Monday – Friday
7AM – 10PM
Saturday – Sunday
8AM – 8PM